Emerging Insect Pest Threats Webinar on New OISC Webpage
/The OISC has a new webpage, “Invasive Species Videos” which can be found under the “Resources” tab. The Invasive Species Videos webpage will be used as a place to share important invasive species videos from the Council and our partners. If you have any invasive species videos you’d like to share, or know of any YouTube channels that post invasive species videos, please email us a link so we can share it!
Our first video on the new page is a recording of the webinar we hosted on January 17th titled “Emerging Insect Pests: Threats to Oregon’s Agriculture, Forests, and Plant Trade.” This webinar focused on key emerging invasive insect threats that could cause significant, lasting impact to the state. The webinar included the current status of these insects in Oregon, how they get here, the efforts being made to address the issues, and what you personally can do. There were short presentations from the following experts:
Chris Hedstrom, Oregon Department of Agriculture
Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry
1st slide of Emerging Pest webinar outlining the agenda.
Opening slide for of Emerging Pests webinar.
Check out the the new page “Invasive Species Videos ” to watch a full recording of the webinar, along with a handy Q&A sheet with questions (and answers) that were discussed during the webinar. Let’s stop these pests in their tracks!